Register of Forestry Grant Scheme (FGS) woodland creation applications and Felling Permission applications

This register shows FGS applications when we're prepared to approve them for:

  • woodland creation
  • agroforestry
  • location and area-based amendments to FGS woodland creation contracts and FGS agroforestry contracts

When we're sure that all proposals contained in the above applications are appropriate and have been agreed by stakeholders associated with each application we publish the details of these applications on this register for 4 weeks. Once we're certain that the applicants have addressed any issues identified as a result of the public register peiod then we'll display the details on this register to confirm we've approved their application.

When selecting the application you're interested in, you can:

  • see a map that shows the boundary of the application
  • view any case documents
  • make comments electronically directly to the conservancy

Find out more about the register of FGS woodland creation applications and Felling Permission applications

Register of felling permission proposals contained with Forest Plan applications

This register shows:

  • new and amended FGS long term forest plans 
  • new and amended Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) land management plans

All forest plans include felling operations. When we're prepared to approve a new or amended forest plan, we add the details of the case to the register. These stay on it for 4 weeks. We display them again once approved.

This register also shows amendments to our legacy grant and regulatory schemes. Only a small handful of legacy cases are still being worked on but if an amendment is needed to one of our legacy rural priorities, FGS, woodland grant scheme or dedication cases, then the details would appear on this register.

Please note, due to IT changes, we're currently unable to display a map of the application. Contact your local office with the application reference if you'd like to see a map or learn more about an application.

Register of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs)

This register shows:

  • the decisions about whether proposals for certain forestry projects will significantly impact the environment

You can see details of the case and our decision at the initial assessment stage, otherwise known as the Screening Opinion stage. For cases where consent to carry out the work is needed, details of 2 more stages are displayed: 

  • When the applicant arranges a scoping meeting
  • Our final decision on whether or not consent will be given to start the work 

How we share personal information

For more information on how we share personal information relating to our consultation activities, please see our privacy notice.

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