Dothistroma needle blight in Scotland

Dothistroma Action Plan for Scotland 2018

This action plan outlines the strategic objectives and key priorities in dealing with Dothistroma infections in Scotland.

Dothistroma Needle Blight: Forest Tree Nursery Transition Scheme

This document outlines information on the forest tree nursery transition scheme which provides support for infected nurseries, conditional on their setting out and implementing a tree nursery adaptation plan designed to increase their future resilience to Dothistroma needle blight (DNB).

Outline Guidance on Dothistroma Needle Blight Resilience Action Plans for Forest Tree Nurseries in Scotland

This guidance document on Dothistroma needle blight (DNB) nursery resilience outlines measures that will minimise the risk of DNB entering nurseries in future years and maximises the likelihood of containment should the disease occur.

Planting Caledonian Pinewoods: Reducing Risks from Dothistroma Needle Blight

This policy guidance document outlines the ways to reduce the risks from Dothistroma needle blight (DNB) when planting in Caledonian pinewoods.