National Stakeholder Group

National Forestry Stakeholder Group background paper - Improving Biodiversity across all forests and woodlands - April 2024

This paper - from April 17 2024 - aims to frame the topic of forests and biodiversity in Scotland. The paper:

  • sets out the current strategic context and policy framework and key evidence and monitoring
  • outlines a number of challenges as the basis for discussion and sets out tools enabling practical implementation across all of our forests
  • does not try and cover all implementation and delivery activity
  • is intended to enable discussion at the meeting

National Forestry Stakeholder Group discussion paper  - Delivering local community benefits and wealth building - 14 March 2023

Scotland’s Forestry Strategy Implementation Plan 2022-25, sets out a shared ambition to develop and implement a framework for increasing forestry’s contribution to the delivery of local community benefits and community wealth building.

This discussion paper (14 March 2023) begins by providing a context for this ambition, before presenting a small selection of case studies to help inform discussions at the meeting on how it can be delivered.

National Forestry Stakeholder Group discussion paper -  Building Resilient Future Forests

This paper gives a background to building resilience in our forests and woodlands as part of wider work on climate and landscape resilience, to:

  • inform discussions on how policy and practice could evolve to support the vision set out in Scotland’s Forestry Strategy (along with wider Scottish Government objectives)
  • create more resilient forest and woodland ecosystems by 2070

National Forestry Stakeholder Meeting Resilience notes 10 Nov 2022 final

National Forestry Stakeholder Meeting - Resilience, 10th November 2022.

National Stakeholder Group - Note of meeting - Biodiversity - April 24

Draft notes of the National Stakeholder Group Meeting - Biodiversity, from 17 April 2024.

Notes cover the following poiints of discussion:

  1. Welcome and Introductions - Alan Hampson
  2. Opening Remarks - Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands
  3. Scottish Biodiversity Framework update - David Signorini
  4. Woodland Biodiversity - Helen Sellars
  5. Discussion around the two questions posed relation to priorities in the face of climate change, and what new tools or approaches could be developed.
  6. Summing up - Alan Hampson
  7. Next steps and close

National Stakeholder Group - Terms of reference

Terms of reference for the National Stakeholder Group.

National Stakeholder Group agenda and paper - 28 July 2021

View the agenda and paper for Scotland's National Forestry Stakeholder Group held on 28 July 2021.

National Stakeholder Group note of meeting - 25 November 2021

National Stakeholder Group note of meeting for 25 November 2021.

National Stakeholder Group summary of discussions - 28 July 2021

National Stakeholder Group summary of discussions for 28 July 2021.