Native Woodlands

Sub Categories

Action for Scotland's Native Woods

This document outlines the types and importance of native woods, the threats and opportunities to these woods and how they can be managed.

Developing Native Woodland Habitat Networks

This note advises land managers how to locate native woodland expansion in order to help to develop habitat networks and deliver Scottish Forestry Strategy targets.

The Scottish Government’s strategic approach to restoring and expanding Scotland’s rainforest

The Scottish Government is committed to restoring and expanding Scotland’s temperate or Atlantic rainforest. This is a policy priority set out in Scotland’s Forestry Strategy and the 2023 Programme for Government.

This strategic approach aims to accelerate delivery in tackling the challenges facing these iconic native woodlands and identify the practical steps the Scottish Government and its partners can take to help the rejuvenation of Scotland’s rainforest. Recognising funding constraints, it sets out how this will be implemented over the next three years and sustained over the longer term.