Piloting the Measurement of Social and Environmental Returns from Woodland Creation

This research report summarises the development of the Woodland Benefits Tool.

Pine tree lappet moth Core Breeding Area in Scotland as of 31st December 2019

Map showing the Core Breeding Area for the pine tree lappet moth (Dendrolimus pini) in Scotland

Planting Caledonian Pinewoods: Reducing Risks from Dothistroma Needle Blight

This policy guidance document outlines the ways to reduce the risks from Dothistroma needle blight (DNB) when planting in Caledonian pinewoods.

Policy Analysis Supporting Biomass Electricity in the Renewables Obligation (Scotland)

This report was commissioned by the Forestry Commission Scotland (now Scottish Forestry) and the Scottish Government as background material for its review of support for large and small scale biomass electricity only plant under the Renewables Obligation Scotland.

Preparing Woodland Creation Application Guidance

Our walkthrough guide aimed predominantly at small landowners to help guide them through the process of preparing a woodland creation application.

Progress and Compliance Report

Progress and Compliance Report Forest Plan - 5 Year Review

Progress and Compliance WIAT

Progress and Compliance ReportManagement Plan/WIAT Urban Woodland Management Plan 5 Year Review Template.