National Forestry Stakeholder Group discussion paper -  Building Resilient Future Forests

This paper gives a background to building resilience in our forests and woodlands as part of wider work on climate and landscape resilience, to:

  • inform discussions on how policy and practice could evolve to support the vision set out in Scotland’s Forestry Strategy (along with wider Scottish Government objectives)
  • create more resilient forest and woodland ecosystems by 2070

National Forestry Stakeholder Meeting Resilience notes 10 Nov 2022 final

National Forestry Stakeholder Meeting - Resilience, 10th November 2022.

National Stakeholder Group - Note of meeting - Biodiversity - April 24

Draft notes of the National Stakeholder Group Meeting - Biodiversity, from 17 April 2024.

Notes cover the following poiints of discussion:

  1. Welcome and Introductions - Alan Hampson
  2. Opening Remarks - Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands
  3. Scottish Biodiversity Framework update - David Signorini
  4. Woodland Biodiversity - Helen Sellars
  5. Discussion around the two questions posed relation to priorities in the face of climate change, and what new tools or approaches could be developed.
  6. Summing up - Alan Hampson
  7. Next steps and close

National Stakeholder Group - Terms of reference

Terms of reference for the National Stakeholder Group.

National Stakeholder Group agenda and paper - 28 July 2021

View the agenda and paper for Scotland's National Forestry Stakeholder Group held on 28 July 2021.

National Stakeholder Group note of meeting - 25 November 2021

National Stakeholder Group note of meeting for 25 November 2021.

National Stakeholder Group summary of discussions - 28 July 2021

National Stakeholder Group summary of discussions for 28 July 2021.

Native Woodland Condition Surveys

The aim of this Guidance note is to introduce new survey techniques for native woodland and to explain how it should be applied in the field.

Native Woodland Survey of Scotland: Glossary of Terms

This glossary is intended to cover the full range of means by which the results of the Native Woodland Survey of Scotland (NWSS) are being communicated.