National Stakeholder Group - Note of meeting - Biodiversity - April 24

National Stakeholder Group - Note of meeting - Biodiversity - April 24

Draft notes of the National Stakeholder Group Meeting - Biodiversity, from 17 April 2024.

Notes cover the following poiints of discussion:

  1. Welcome and Introductions - Alan Hampson
  2. Opening Remarks - Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands
  3. Scottish Biodiversity Framework update - David Signorini
  4. Woodland Biodiversity - Helen Sellars
  5. Discussion around the two questions posed relation to priorities in the face of climate change, and what new tools or approaches could be developed.
  6. Summing up - Alan Hampson
  7. Next steps and close

File Name

National Stakeholder Group - Note of meeting - Biodiversity - April 24.docx

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34.96 KB

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