Achieving Diversity in Scotland's Forest Landscapes

This guidance is aimed at the owners and managers of conifer woodlands over 100 ha in size which have been planted primarily for timber production. It demonstrates ways in which the ‘diversity’ requirements of the revised UK Forest Standard and the accompanying suite of Forest Guidelines can be put into practice.

Action on Climate Change Joint Statement

This document is a joint statement on climate change between The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), Forestry Commission Scotland (now Scottish Forestry) and Historic Scotland.

Assessing the Wider Benefits of the Woodland Carbon Code

This study identifies and measures the wider social, environmental and local economic benefits of Woodland Carbon Code projects in the UK, also referred to as ‘co-benefits’. The need to assess the co-benefits or wider effects of carbon emissions reduction strategies is highlighted in the Paris Climate Change agreement. It aims to provide evidence on how action to tackle climate change can help deliver other policy objectives. 

Climate Change Programme

This climate change programme develops the commitments made in the Scottish Forestry Strategy which, since its publication in 2006 has given strong emphasis to the role of Scotland’s forests in mitigating, and responding to, climate change.

Deciding Future Management Options for Afforested Deep Peatland

This guide explains the factors to consider when seeking felling approval from us for forestry on a peatland habitat.

Developing Native Woodland Habitat Networks

This note advises land managers how to locate native woodland expansion in order to help to develop habitat networks and deliver Scottish Forestry Strategy targets.

Energy Forestry Exemplar Trials: Establishment Guidelines

This document outlines the establishment process for energy forestry exemplar trials.

Future Options for Forest Carbon Markets in Scotland and the UK

This report, carried out by ClimateXchange, identifies future options for the operation of carbon markets in the UK which could recognise the potential carbon contribution of UK forests. The report reviews current mechanisms for administering the flow of carbon credits, details options for the development of future carbon markets and highlights barriers to those options.

Impacts of Climate Change on Forestry in Scotland: A Synopsis of Spatial Modelling Research

This Research Note provides an initial synopsis of the likely impacts of climate change, with preliminary recommendations to support development of a climate change action plan for forestry in Scotland.

National Stakeholder Group - Note of meeting - Biodiversity - April 24

Draft notes of the National Stakeholder Group Meeting - Biodiversity, from 17 April 2024.

Notes cover the following poiints of discussion:

  1. Welcome and Introductions - Alan Hampson
  2. Opening Remarks - Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands
  3. Scottish Biodiversity Framework update - David Signorini
  4. Woodland Biodiversity - Helen Sellars
  5. Discussion around the two questions posed relation to priorities in the face of climate change, and what new tools or approaches could be developed.
  6. Summing up - Alan Hampson
  7. Next steps and close

Sheep Farming with Trees Factsheet

An overview of how your flock and business can benefit from forestry grants.

The Scottish Government's Rationale for Woodland Expansion

This document lays out the Scottish Government’s thinking on how woodland expansion can best increase the delivery of public benefits from Scotland’s land.