UK Forestry Standard Compliance Procedures

UK Forestry Standard Compliance Procedures

This paper sets out how we will respond to potential breaches of UKFS and what corrective actions or sanctions will be sought from owners or their forest manager. It outlines the process of investigation which we will follow and the laddered approach to actions we will take. Establishment of a compliance register and notification to the Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF) will form part of our response.

This compliance procedure is designed to deal with a range of non-compliance issues and is intended to be used following the discovery or notification of a breach. It does not replace the regulatory obligations and processes that we use to deal with breaches of regulations. The UKFS compliance procedure will be followed alongside other legal procedures, or will be undertaken where no legal procedures are available. The intention of this compliance procedure is to ensure that breaches of the UKFS are properly dealt with, and that standards in forestry are maintained.

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UKFS Compliance SF 30102019 v3.pdf

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