Terms of Reference: Adaptation and Resilience Steering Group

Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Adaptation and Resilience Steering Group

The Carbon Benefits of Using Timber in Construction

This assessment compares the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions arising from the embodied energy of variety of different building materials that could be used in the construction of a 2 bed semi-detached house, a 3 bed detached house and a 4 storey block of flats. In addition this study quantifies the potential GHG benefits of increasing the timber content of the 3 types of accommodation.

The Creation of Small Woodlands on Farms: Annexes

This guidance describes the benefits of creating new small woodlands, where they can best be sited and offers some advice on planning, layout and species. This document contains the annexes.

The Creation of Small Woodlands on Farms: Arable Land

This guidance describes the benefits of creating new small woodlands, where they can best be sited and offers some advice on planning, layout and species. This document contains the arable land chapter.

The Creation of Small Woodlands on Farms: Complete Document

This guidance describes the benefits of creating new small woodlands, where they can best be sited and offers some advice on planning, layout and species.

The Creation of Small Woodlands on Farms: Hill Land

This guidance describes the benefits of creating new small woodlands, where they can best be sited and offers some advice on planning, layout and species. This document contains the hill land chapter.

The Creation of Small Woodlands on Farms: Introduction

This guidance describes the benefits of creating new small woodlands, where they can best be sited and offers some advice on planning, layout and species. This document contains the introduction.

The Creation of Small Woodlands on Farms: Permanent Grassland

This guidance describes the benefits of creating new small woodlands, where they can best be sited and offers some advice on planning, layout and species. This document contains the permanent grassland chapter.

The Creation of Small Woodlands on Farms: Woodland Planning

This guidance describes the benefits of creating new small woodlands, where they can best be sited and offers some advice on planning, layout and species. This document contains the woodland planning chapter.

The Economic Contribution of the Public Forest Estate in England

This research analyses the social, economic, and environmental contribution of the Public Forest Estate in England and examines ways of increasing this contribution.

The Economic Impact of British Forestry

This study presents estimates of the economic impacts of forestry in the UK. The first part offers an economic view of the industry in a policy context, and covers the main conclusions from the analysis. The second part sets out the detailed methodology behind the measurements, with scenarios presented in part 3. The report was carried out on behalf of the Forestry Commission by PACEC and Cogentsi, and completed in January 2004.