STTS Preparatory project application form and guidance 2024-25

This guidance and form supports initial planning, negotiations, and outline costing work to be carried out - enabling a full application for Strategic Timber Transport Scheme support to be submitted.

Summary of the review process to produce the 5th edition of the UK Forestry Standard (October 2023)

The UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) is the technical standard for forestry across the UK, designed to help deliver sustainable forest management.

A new (5th) edition of the UKFS has been published following a comprehensive review process.

This new edition is the basis for forestry regulation and monitoring in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has been endorsed by all governments in the UK.

Supplementary Guidance to Support the FC Forests and Peatland Habitats Guideline Note

This guidance offers a decision-making framework based on the likely carbon storage or release from different management options on deep peats.

Support for Red Squirrel Conservation under the Scottish Rural Development Programme

This technical guidance note is aimed at landowners, managers and their advisors who are considering undertaking woodland management for red squirrels, or control of grey squirrels, under RDC-RP.

Supporting Business Development Strategy

This document provides a strategic framework for supporting business development on the national forest estate, and for stimulating wider economic development in the Scottish forest industries.

Technical Advice on WEAG Recommendation 10: Integrating Woodland Management and Farming

This document explores the impact of woodland creation on farm profitability through a case study approach,

Template Issues Log

Template Issues Log which is to be used to record any effects of the proposed project on the environment with the aim of avoiding, reducing or offsetting any adverse impacts.

Template Woodland Creation Processing Agreement

This document is a template Woodland Creation Processing Agreement.