Scoping and Specifying a Dual Economic Analysis of Forestry in Scotland and Scotland's National Forest Estate

This scoping study examines how the economic contribution of forestry in Scotland migh tbe analysed, including the employment and income generated by the National Forest Estate.

Scoping Opinion

Scoping opinion document for the policy on the Control of Woodland Removal.

Scoping Study on Valuing Ecosystem Services of Forests Across Great Britain October 2011: Case Study (Annex 3)

This case study considers a scenario in which 100 hectares of farmland is converted into a recreation-focussed, urban fringe, woodland site.

Scoping Study on Valuing Ecosystem Services of Forests Across Great Britain October 2011: Executive Summary

This document outlines the study to review the existing evidence base on the value of ecosystem services.

Scoping Study on Valuing Ecosystem Services of Forests Across Great Britain October 2011: Final Report

This study, carried out by EFTEC, reviews existing literature on valuing ecosystem services produced by Britain's forests, identifies gaps in the evidence base and suggests future research priorities whilst highlighting key challenges and uncertainties that could arise from the valuation of ecosystem services. There is also a case study which considers practical market opportunities for forest ecosystem services. 

Scoping Study to Review Forestry Policy Instruments in the UK

This report was submitted by Pareto Consulting. It gives a brief review of the use of taxation in forestry policy focusing on how its relevance to environmental objectives might be improved. It also offers an overview of payments for ecosystem services and suggests an approach to assessing the current mix of forestry policy instruments in terms of their individual and collective effectiveness.

Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029

This Strategy provides an overview of contemporary Scottish forestry, presents our 50-year vision for Scotland’s forests and woodlands, and sets out a 10-year framework for action.

Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029 description of indicators

Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019 to 2029 - description of indicators.

Scotland's Forestry Strategy Implementation Plan 2020-2022

The Implementation Plan 2020 - 2022 supports the delivery of the Scottish Forestry Strategy 2019-2029 and was developed with input from a fixed-life stakeholder reference group.

Scotland's Forestry Strategy: Progress Report 2019-2022

Scotland’s Forestry Strategy 2019-2029: Parliamentary progress report 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2022.

Scotland's Native Woodlands: Results from the Native Woodland Survey of Scotland

This report give a national overview of results of the Native Woodland Survey of Scotland and suggests many other intended and potential uses for the data at various spatial scales.