Assessing the Cost-effectiveness of Woodlands in the Abatement of Carbon Dioxide Emissions

This study assesses the cost-effectiveness of a range of woodland types across England, Scotland and Wales in removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.  The study uses two measures of cost-effectiveness: a physical measure (cost per tonne of CO2 removed) and a value measure (comparing the cost against the value of the CO2 removed).  The study develops a "marginal abatement cost curve" which shows how much CO2 removal can be achieved through planting new woodlands for a given cost.  Cost-effectiveness is considered over two time horizons: first, to 2050 and, second, to 2200.  The analysis takes account of the benefits of storing carbon in wood products and of substituting wood for more carbon-intensive product and fuels.

Assessing the Investment Returns from Timber and Carbon in Woodland Creation Projects: Research Note

The voluntary carbon market for new woodlands has been growing in recent years. This research note examines the impacts of carbon credit sales on the financial returns to planting woodland.  It applies investment appraisal techniques to estimate the financial viability of woodland creation for five different woodland types – taking account of both carbon and timber receipts - and examines the implications for rotation lengths.

Assessing the Wider Benefits of the Woodland Carbon Code

This study identifies and measures the wider social, environmental and local economic benefits of Woodland Carbon Code projects in the UK, also referred to as ‘co-benefits’. The need to assess the co-benefits or wider effects of carbon emissions reduction strategies is highlighted in the Paris Climate Change agreement. It aims to provide evidence on how action to tackle climate change can help deliver other policy objectives. 

Attitudes Towards Landscape Benefits and Woodland Creation in Southern Scotland

This report documents a Forest Research led study into attitudes towards landscape benefits and woodland creation in Southern Scotland, commissioned by Scottish Forestry in light of the Scottish Government’s tree planting targets.

Audit & Assurance Committee Minutes - 13 December 2022

Audit & Assurance Committee Minutes from 13 December 2022.

Minutes covered:

  1. Preliminaries/Introductions/Conflicts of interest
  2. Minutes / Matters Arising
  3. Audit Recommendations Tracker and Risk update (10/22)
  4. Internal Audit - Progress Report (11/22)
  5. External Audit
  6. Finance Update (12/22)
  7. National Fraud Initiative
  8. AOB

Audit & Assurance Committee Minutes - 13 June 2023

Audit & Assurance Committee Minutes from 13 June 2023.

Minutes covered:

  1. Preliminaries / Introductions / Conflicts of interest
  2. Minutes / Matters Arising (01-23)
  3. Audit Recommendations Tracker and Risk update (2/23)
  4. Finance Update (03-23)
  5. Internal Audit - Progress Report and Annual Assurance (04/23)
  6. External Audit (Verbal)
  7. Losses (05-23)
  8. Draft Governance Statement (06/23)
  9. AOB
  10. Discussion between Non-Executives and Auditors

Audit & Assurance Committee Minutes - 23 September 2023

Audit & Assurance Committee Minutes from 23 September 2023.

Minutes covered:

  1. Preliminaries/Introductions/Conflicts of interest
  2. Minutes (07/23) / Matters Arising / Audit Tracker (08/23)
  3. Audit and Assurance Update (09/23)
  4. Internal Audit – Progress Report (10-23)
  5. Scottish Forestry Annual Report and Accounts 2022/2023 (11-23)
  6. External Audit Annual Audit report 2022-2023 (12-23)
  7. Information Governance Group Highlight Report (13-23)
  8. AOB