Management Plan Template (with thinning)

This document is a template for creating a management plan where it is proposed that thinning will be undertaken.

Management Plan Template (without thinning)

This document is a template for creating a management plan where no thinning is proposed to be undertaken.

Management Plans for Semi-Natural Woodlands Under WGS

Management plan guidance and template for semi-natural woodlands.

Managing and Controlling Invasive Rhododendron

This Practice Guide sets out the sequence of events required to plan and manage the control of the invasive plant species Rhododendron ponticum.

Managing Forests as Red Squirrel Strongholds

This practice note offers guidance to forest managers and landowners on conservation management options for red squirrels in stronghold forests in Scotland.

Managing Forests for White-tailed Eagles

This practice note provides advice to forest managers and landowners to help them to plan and carry out forestry operations and other activities in relation to the statutory protection of white-tailed eagles (sea eagles).

Managing Forests in Acid Sensitive Water Catchments

The Practice Guide provides detailed advice on how to undertake critical load and site impact assessments to ensure forestry does not cause adverse impacts on water quality in acid sensitive water catchments.

Managing Invasive and Non-native Forestry Species

This guidance is for forest owners and managers. It explains how recent legislation relating to invasive and non-native woodland species applies in Scotland, and offers advice on managing them.

Managing Public Safety on Harvesting Sites

Practice Note 19 provides guidance for landowners, forest managers and forestry practitioners to help manage public safety on harvesting sites.

Managing the Historic Environment Case Study

These case studies highlight examples of best practice conservation management over a wide range of archaeological sites and historic landscapes and showcase the potential that the historic environment can play within Forest Plans.

Managing Woodland Access and Forest Operations in Scotland

Practice Note 104 provides guidance to help landowners, forest managers, access authorities, recreation bodies, forestry practitioners and operators to manage woodland access and forest operations in Scotland.

Mandate Form Felling Permission (pdf)

Use this form to provide your agent or representative with authority to act on your behalf when dealing with Scottish Forestry in relation to the submission and management of Felling Permissions.

This is the PDF version of the form. Last updated in April 2024.