Action for Scotland's Native Woods

This document outlines the types and importance of native woods, the threats and opportunities to these woods and how they can be managed.

Action on Climate Change Joint Statement

This document is a joint statement on climate change between The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), Forestry Commission Scotland (now Scottish Forestry) and Historic Scotland.

Adaptation and Resilience Steering Group 1 - 30 August 2023

The first meeting of the Adaptation and Resilience Steering Group from August 30 2023.

The purpose of the meeting was to agree the terms of reference for the group and to consider priorities for action to support implementation of resilience and adaptation measures.

Agenda items included:

  1. Terms of Reference (ToR)
    • SG Membership
    • Links to other groups
  2. National Stakeholder Group – Building resilience paper 
  3. Exercise 1: Resilience measures and the forest stages
  4. Exercise 2: Identify the drivers and enablers to implement the measures
  5. Discussion
  6. Next steps and close

Adaptation and Resilience Steering Group 2 - December 2023

Minutes and actions from the second meeting of the Adaptation and Resilience Steering Group, from December 2023.

Agenda items included:

  • Actions from last meeting
  • Membership
    1. Presentation and discussion: Review the future productive species workshop data – barriers and enablers
    2. Resilience Action Plan (Paper 1 and Annex)
    3. Future productive species list for Scotland (Paper 2)
    4. Knowledge Exchange events (Paper 3)
  • Next steps and close
  • Summary of actions for the steering group

Adaptation and Resilience Steering Group 3 - March 2024

Minutes and actions from the third meeting of the Adaptation and Resilience Steering Group, from March 2024.

The main aim of this steering group meeting is to provide an update on the future productive species project and gain input into the criteria prior to the workshop.

Agenda items included:

  • Action points from last meeting
  • RAP update
  • Future Productive species update
  • Future productive species choice project update – methodology
  • Tree improvement
    • If the data collected is a function of the past, could this give a bias towards business as usual?
    • Other studies are looking at assisted migration and suitable provenance – is this approach too focused on Scotland now?
  • Plant and seed supply
  • Silviculture
  • Climate suitability
  • Climate suitability - Abiotic risks
  • Productivity and Carbon
  • Pests and diseases
  • Biodiversity and environmental impact
  • Timber quality and end use
  • Summary
  • Use at UK level
  • Workshop agenda
  • Knowledge Exchange Events
  • Summing up

Administrative arrangements made by Scottish Ministers for the carrying out of their functions under the Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Act 2018

This report details the administrative arrangements made by Scottish Ministers for the carrying out of their functions under the Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Act 2018, in the 5 years following the formation of Scottish Forestry.

This report was prepared and laid in the Scottish Parliament.


Advice on replanting sites affected by Phytophthora ramorum

Advice on what and when to plant on cleared sites affected by Phytophthora ramorum

An Approach to Prioritising Control of Rhododendron in Scotland

This document is aimed at supporting decision makers in Scottish policy-making, funding and landowning organisations, who must decide on where and how funding is committed in order to achieve the successful control of rhododendron in priority habitats and, in the longer term, across Scotland.

An Overview of the Science Underpinning Forestry on Peatland Habitats

This note provides a brief summary of the key scientific findings underpinning the supplementary guidance, and highlights the remaining scientific uncertainties.

Ancient Wood Pasture in Scotland

The purpose of this guide is to introduce the concept of wood pasture, and then to highlight some examples of this in Scotland.

Annual Report 2019-2020

Our Annual Report and Accounts for 2019-2020.