Forest Operations and Otters in Scotland

This guidance note describes reasonable measures that forest and woodland managers should follow to avoid or minimise the risk of committing offences against the otter, a European protected species.

Forest Operations and Red Squirrels in Scottish Forests

This note sets out further advice on how to plan and carry out forest operations and recreational activities in woodlands to minimise the possible impacts on red squirrels.

Forest Operations and Wildcats in Scotland

This guidance note describes reasonable measures that forest and woodland managers should follow to avoid or minimise the risk of committing offences against the wildcat, a European protected species.

Forest Operations and Wildlife in Scottish Forests

This note summarises current wildlife species protection law in Scotland in relation to forestry operations and gives general guidance on best practice to minimise adverse effects on protected species.

Forest Sector Case Study Infographic

This infographic presents the first application in the UK of the Forest Sector Guide under the Natural Capital Protocol. It aims to highlight the inter-dependence between the economy and wider social and environmental goals, demonstrating the role of woodland creation in supporting the economy through timber production as well as providing wider benefits for communities and nature.

Forest Sector final report

This report presents the first application in the UK of the Forest Sector Guide under the Natural Capital Protocol. It aims to highlight the inter-dependence between the economy and wider social and environmental goals, demonstrating the role of woodland creation in supporting the economy through timber production as well as providing wider benefits for communities and nature.

Forestry Appeals Process Guide Chart

This chart shows the forestry appeals process.

Forestry Engagement and Consultation Processes

This document, updated in September 2023, sets out the engagement and consultation processes for forestry plans and proposals in Scotland.

The first section is aimed specifically at providing local communities and stakeholders with an overview of the opportunities for engagement and consultation.

The remainder of the document is aimed at all interested parties and sets out the engagement and consultation processes that should be followed for different types of forestry proposals and plans.

Forestry Grant Scheme Overview and Contact Details

An overview of the Forestry Grant Scheme and contact information.

Forestry Grant Scheme statistics - April 2022

Forestry Grant Scheme statistics for April 2022. 

Forestry Grant Scheme Statistics - April 2023

Forestry Grant Scheme statistics for April 2023.