FGS CSGN Dovetail case study summary factsheet.pdf

A business case study summary: Dovetail Scotland

FGS CSGN Dovetail case study summary factsheet.pdf (2)

A business case study summary: Dovetail Scotland

FGS The Greens case study factsheet.pdf

A business case study: Greens Farm, Newbigging, Lanarkshire

FGS Why plants trees on farms factsheet.pdf

A case study of Ardoch and Threepland Farms, East Renfrewshire

Figure 2 (updated) – proposed development

Figure 2 (updated) – proposed development.

Financial Support for Managing Urban Woodlands in Scotland

A guide to the Forestry Grant Scheme support for Urban Woodland Management.

Financial Support for Managing Urban Woodlands in Scotland: Supporting Information

Supporting information for the guide to the Forestry Grant Scheme support for Urban Woodland Management.

Flood Management and Woodland Creation: Southwell Case Study

JBA Consulting was commissioned to assess the flood alleviation benefits of woodland planting at an upland site in Nottinghamshire. Incorporating the impacts of woodland into hydraulic models enabled JBA to model the physical impacts of planting on flood levels and therefore to estimate the economic value of associated flood relief benefits.