Code of Conduct for Non Executive Advisers

SG has high expectations for how non execs should conduct themselves in undertaking their duties.

Community Fund Guidance

This additional guidance document sets out the aims of the Community Fund, eligibility requirements and the application, approval and monitoring process.

Community Woodlands and Private Sector Forest Companies

This guide is for community woodland groups who are considering using private sector forestry skills and expertise to develop and/or deliver their forestry-related plans.

Comparing and Valuing the Impacts of Oak Processionary Moth in the Netherlands to England

This study was carried out for the Forestry Commission by SRUC.  It assesses data, literature, management approaches and governance frameworks on Oak Processionary Moth (OPM) in the Netherlands, where OPM is wide-spread,  and considers potential implications for England.  The study reviews available literature from both countries and considers potential implications for a wider outbreak in London.  It examines impacts, primarily in terms of management costs and health care costs in the context of the Dutch risk-based approach to managing OPM.      

Conflict of Interest Policy

Our Conflict of Interest Policy covers the behaviours, actions and responsibilities both for staff members and for board members.

Conserving and Managing Trees and Woodlands in Scotland's Designed Landscapes

This fully illustrated practice guide provides essential information on the effective stewardship of trees and woodlands in a designed landscape.Starting with a succinct review of the historic periods of design styles, the guidance section provides practical information on how all the tree elements can be conserved and managed.