Valuing Forest Recreation Activities 2006: Phase 1 Report

This research aims to estimate the effect on consumer surplus of changes in the provision of key forest recreation facilities, to examine the heterogeneity of recreational values across different forest users and uses and to estimate the economic impact of forest recreation activities.

Valuing Forest Recreation Activities 2006: Summary

The study looks specifically at recreational users of forests, with the first stage focusing on the local economic impacts of visitors.

Valuing Forest Recreation Activities 2006: Technical Annex

This technical annex provides further details of the theory, methodologies, and analysis used in the Forestry Commission's commissioned report 'Valuing Forest Recreation Activities'.

Valuing the Social and Environmental Contribution of Woodlands and Trees in England, Scotland and Wales: Research Note

This Research Note is based on a review by the University of Exeter that evaluated existing knowledge on valuing the social and environmental contributions of British trees and woodlands.

Valuing the Social and Environmental Contribution of Woodlands and Trees in England, Scotland and Wales: Research Report

This report, and accompanying research note and woodland valuation tool (and accompanying guidance), provides an assessment of current knowledge of economic values applied to forestry. It also provides a narrative of forestry’s role in ‘the natural factory’, delivering a wide range of outcomes for businesses and society.

Volume 3 Non-Technical Summary

Volume 3 Non-Technical Summary.