Urban Woodland Design Training Course Powerpoint 1: Introduction

This course explains how to design an urban woodland which will meet community needs and expectations, mitigate anti-social behaviour and apply the principles of good design. This document outlines the introduction to the course.

Urban Woodland Design Training Course Powerpoint 2: Engaging with the Community

This course explains how to design an urban woodland which will meet community needs and expectations, mitigate anti-social behaviour and apply the principles of good design. This document covers engaging with the community.

Urban Woodland Design Training Course Powerpoint 3: Minimising Anti-social Behaviour through Design

This course explains how to design an urban woodland which will meet community needs and expectations, mitigate anti-social behaviour and apply the principles of good design. This document covers minimising anti-social behaviour through design.

Urban Woodland Design Training Course Powerpoint 4: Design 1

This course explains how to design an urban woodland which will meet community needs and expectations, mitigate anti-social behaviour and apply the principles of good design. This document provides an example design.

Urban Woodland Design Training Course Powerpoint 5: Design 2

This course explains how to design an urban woodland which will meet community needs and expectations, mitigate anti-social behaviour and apply the principles of good design. This document provides an example design.

User Guidance for Entry of Forecasting Data

This document is for use alongside the production forecast spreadsheet and provides guidance on how the spreadsheet should be completed.

User Guide to the Woodland Benefits Tool

The Woodland Benefits Tool has been designed to help investors in new woodland to assess the social, environmental, and economic benefits that their investment. Through the use of the tool and its reporting output, investors in woodland creation will be able to better understand and communicate the value of their investments. The Tool can be used for any woodland creation project, including those under the Woodland Carbon Code

Using Alternative Conifer Species for Productive Forestry in Scotland

This guide brings together existing information on site suitability, establishment, silviculture,harvesting, marketing and processing for quality crops of alternative conifer species.

Using Scotland's Forests to Help Mitigate Climate Change

This review outlines the options for maximising the role of the national forest estate to help mitigate climate change.

Vacancy Reporting - Diversity & Inclusion Report

This report includes Diversity & Inclusion Data for all applicants to the stated vacancies.

Value from Supporting Local Forestry Businesses: A Scoping Study

This study, carried out by EFTEC, reviews existing literature on valuing ecosystem services produced by Britain's forests, identifies gaps in the evidence base and suggests future research priorities whilst highlighting key challenges and uncertainties that could arise from the valuation of ecosystem services. There is also a case study which considers practical market opportunities for forest ecosystem services. 

Valuing Forest Recreation Activities 2006: Final Phase 2 Report

This research aims to estimate the local economic (income and employment) impacts of forest recreation, to estimate changes in forest visitors’ welfare associated with improvements to the recreational facilities provided in forests and to examine how the recreational values vary across different forest users and uses.