The Social and Environmental Benefits of Forests in Great Britain: Water Report

The Social and Environmental Benefits of Forests in Great Britain: Water Report

The objective of this report is to assess, and quantify as far as possible, the impact of forestry on costs and of water supply and water quality.

The value of water can be estimated in terms of oppertunity cost, replacement and mitigatory costs and willingness to pay by individuals.


opportunity cost: e.g. the cost to society of forestry using the marginal

quantity of water rather than some other economic activity;

 replacement and mitigatory costs: e.g. the cost of having to develop

alternative water sources where forests reduce supply; the reduced cost to

society where forests regulate run-off and hence lower flood risks and the

need for flood prevention; etc.

 willingness-to-pay (WTP) by individuals in terms of use and non-use values

for marginal increases in security of supply, enhanced water quality,

reductions in interruptions to supply, etc. from changes in water supply and

quality due to forests.

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