A Guide to Improving Timber Transport

A Guide to Improving Timber Transport

This document provides a guide to improving timber transport in Scotland and outlines previous case studies throughout Scotland.

The 20th century was a period of unprecedented afforestation in Scotland and the amount of home-grown timber we produce is increasing as these forests mature. From 1976 to 2012, the timber output from our forests multiplied from under 1 million to over 6 million tonnes per year. The forecast is for this to continue to rise to around 10 million tonnes per year by 2030.

Meanwhile, the minor road network that serves rural Scotland has remained much the same. The capacity of the road infrastructure to take timber haulage can be limiting. Narrow roads are a challenge for articulated vehicles, while passing places tend to be small and are few and far between. On more fragile roads, there is a risk that heavy traffic may break-up the thin tarmac surface leaving the local authorities with high repair costs. A significant increase in heavy traffic on minor roads can also create disturbance for rural communities particularly where vehicles pass through small towns and villages.

Sustainable haulage is a critical part of the timber supply chain, moving logs from forests to the processors with minimal impact on roads, communities and the environment.

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Strategic Timber Transport Fund: Annual report (April 2024)

The purpose of this paper is to give an annual update on the current position (at 1st April 2024) of the Strategic Timber Transport Fund (STTF) which supports both the Strategic Timber Transport Scheme (STTS) and the TimberLINK public service shipping contract.


The STTF has been operational for 20 years this year (2024).

The original STTF of £13m was introduced in 2005 for a three year period. Subsequently, it was extended for a further three years to 2011 with an annual budget of £5m which included a maximum £1m allocation to the TimberLINK shipping service.

The fund continued thereafter with a budget of £3m/year (including TimberLINK) until 2016.

Subsequently, the SF contribution was reduced to £2.85m enhanced with an extra £5 million from Transport Scotland giving 7.85m/year until 2019.

In 2019, the SF contribution was reduced to £2 million giving £7m/year to 2020. The 2020-21 budget of £7m was increased to £8m to support Covid-19 recovery then the 2021-22, and 2022-23 budgets were both set at £7m. In 2023, the Transport Scotland contribution was reduced to £2m such that the budget became £4m in total.


The aims and objectives of the Strategic Timber Transport Fund remain the same:

‘To facilitate the sustainable transport of timber in rural areas of Scotland for the benefit of local communities and the environment, maximising the value of monies available through innovative projects and partnerships’