Branching Out Evaluation 2009: Executive Summary

Branching Out Evaluation 2009: Executive Summary

Branching Out is an innovative development for clients who use mental health services within Greater Glasgow and Clyde. This 2009 executive summary outlines an evaluation of the service which was was undertaken using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

An evaluation of the programme’s first year has been completed using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. For each client, pre and post measures of well-being, general health and physical activity were ascertained and compared using the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS), the SF-12v2TM Health Survey and the Scottish Physical Activity Questionnaire (SPAQ), respectively. These quantitative measures were accompanied and enriched by a more explorative qualitative component. Data gained through observational journals, focus groups and semi-structured interviews with clients and staff, were thematically analysed to determine the perceived benefits and limitations of the service. A summary of the findings from this evaluation are included within this document.

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