Knockbain Farm is just outside Dingwall in the Highlands. The farm extends to 250ha and has been in the Lockett family since 1971.

Some of the farm is managed in-hand with a herd of Luing cattle and a small amount of contract farmed spring barley. The remainder of the farm is combination of woodland and conservation management habitats including wetlands, wildflower meadows, hedges and ponds. Grassland not managed as part of the cattle enterprise is tenanted to other graziers. Richard and Susie have full time jobs which limits the amount of time they can spend working on the farm. David and Denise are (gradually!) moving towards retirement.

Woodlands on the farm include some areas of commercial forestry as well as extensive old, and new, areas of native woodland which provide habitat for wildlife and shelter for stock. All the houses are heated using wood from the farm. The farm is currently investigating ways to better integrate farming and forestry through agroforestry and is in the process of developing a community woodland project in a field next to Dingwall.

The Dingwall Wind Cooperative operates at 250 kW wind turbine on the farm. Tourist accommodation is provided through farmhouse bed and breakfast and a small shepherd’s hut.

Key Messages from Richard

  • Do whatever works for you, even if it’s starting small. The Woodland Trust are great at helping with small woodlands. 
  • Make the most of all the many things trees can do for us: shelter for stock, biodiversity, carbon storage, and timber production. 
  • Get going now, I wish I had done what I’m doing now 10 years ago.