For a range of possible biodiversity objectives for woodland site types, select from the list below:

  1. Acidic dry woodland
  2. Neutral dry woodland
  3. Base-rich dry woodland
  4. Acidic wet woodland
  5. Neutral to base-rich wet woodland

The links to each of the woodland site types will take you to tables of possible biodiversity objectives for that site type, impact levels that might be compatible with those objectives and objectives which might be incompatible with each other.  

Read more information on key species for biodiversity in Scotland.

Defining native woodland types contains descriptions of the five woodland site types and their relationship to other woodland classifications.

Select the most appropriate biodiversity objectives and enter them into Table 4, column 4, of your woodland grazing plan.

Selecting target short-term herbivore impact levels

Each biodiversity objectives table suggests a range of appropriate short-term and long-term levels of herbivore impact for achieving each objective. From within this range, select the most appropriate short-term level for your site type and enter it in Table 4, column 5.

You will need to determine biodiversity objectives and short-term herbivore impacts for open ground habitats according to the management requirements for the key features shown in Section 3b of your plan and ensure that the short-term biodiversity objectives for the woodland habitats are compatible with the objectives for key open ground habitats.

Selecting a target long term woodland structure

Finally, from the range of possible woodland structure classes for your woodland site type, select the long-term woodland structure that you want to see for your woodland and enter it in Table 4, column 6.

Regeneration or control of specific tree species

If you are aiming for the regeneration or control of specific tree species, see guidance on the relative palatability and resilience of native tree seedlings and saplings to browsing and also the guidance note on The Effects of Mammalian Herbivores on Natural Regeneration.

Compatibility of objectives

Not all biodiversity objectives will be compatible within the same area. Refer to the biodiversity objectives table to ensure all your chosen objectives are compatible.

If there is some incompatibility between woodland objectives or between woodland and open ground objectives, explain how you intend to resolve the incompatibility in section 5 of your woodland grazing plan.

To resolve incompatibilities, you may need to subdivide the wood into more than one grazing management unit.

Selecting appropriate species and breeds of grazing animal

The impacts of livestock grazing vary according to species and breed of animal. The toolbox contains several papers with background information on selecting species and breed of livestock most likely to achieve your biodiversity objectives.