To support the transition to the new UKFS (2023) this page offers a description of how applications will be managed through the change.

The term application refers to all the forestry regulatory and grant support mechanisms Scottish Forestry regulate and approve including the forestry grant scheme, forestry environmental impact assessments and felling permissions.

Applications underway

Public Register Applications

  • From 1st October applications which have not completed the public register stage (woodland creation, long term forest plans and felling permissions) will need to adhere to the new UKFS (2023).
  • Applications which have completed the public register stage by September 30th 2024 will continue through to assessment using the UKFS (2017) unless further consultation is required.

Non-Public Register Applications

  • From 1st October applications which do not have a public register stage will need to be submitted to the new UKFS (2023).
  • Applications that have been received by Scottish Forestry as a completed submission by 30th September will continue through to assessment using UKFS (2017). If by the 30th September the application is considered incomplete, or major alteration is required, the application would need to be resubmitted to the new UKFS (2023).

Approved applications

  • All applications approved under the UKFS (2017) remain valid for their approval period. Necessary changes to approved plans can submitted without meeting the new UKFS (2023).

New proposals

  • Projects planned for submission after 30th September should be prepared to meet the new UKFS (2023)

Forestry grant scheme

From 1st October changes will be implemented to ensure all options comply with the new UKFS (2023). Key updates will be announced in July 2024 and will include:

  • Woodland creation- conifer option
  • Woodland creation - diverse conifer option
  • Woodland improvement grant - restructuring & regeneration (Delivering UK Forestry standard woodlands)

Approved forest plans will continue to allow eligibility to the forestry grant scheme woodland improvement grants without requiring amendment to meet the new UKFS (2023). This is subject to the plan meeting all the option eligibility.

Stakeholder engagement

  • Public Register: Responses should reference the current UKFS (2017) until 30th September. From 1st October, use the new UKFS (2023).
  • Due Diligence: Respond using the current UKFS (2017) until 30th September, unless otherwise advised. From 1st October, use the new UKFS (2023).

Important Note: Applicants engaging stakeholders before 30th September for assessments post-1st October should inform stakeholders that feedback should reference the new UKFS (2023).

Changes to documents and resources

Templates and guidance are being updated over the next few months to comply with the new standard. Applicants should download documents from the Scottish Forestry website or the Forestry Grant Scheme website to make sure that the most recent version is in use. Applicants are expected to comply with the new UKFS (2023) from 1st October using existing templates until new resources become available.

Resources under review or newly released

  • Woodland creation application guidance
  • Woodland creation operational plan
  • Long term forest plan guidance
  • Long term forest plan template
  • Screening opinion request form
  • General deer management plan template (available for use)