26 Aug 2024

Perthshire event to promote growing trees to farmers

The award-winning Integrating Trees Network is hosting an event in Perthshire to highlight how growing trees can play an important role in building resilient agricultural businesses.

Farmers and land managers will hear from Professor Davy McCracken, upland farming expert at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) in the morning, followed by an open discussion on the potential benefits of growing trees.

In the afternoon, the Barbour farming family will invite everyone to see how they have integrated trees into their 540 hectare organic beef and sheep hill farm.

The event, entitled Your Farms Future: Trees and Option & Opportunity – Why & How they can benefit your Business,  is being held on Tuesday 10th Sept in Blair Atholl village hall at 10.30 am and then moves to the Barbour’s Mains of Fincastle farm, finishing at 3pm.

Prof McCracken said:

“I’m really looking forward to this event and sharing my experiences of integrating trees into a hill farming business.

“Farmers are astute business people and are always looking at ways to ensure their farms are as strong and resilient as they can be. Trees can be a vital ingredient in achieving that.

“The open discussion part of the event in the village hall should be really interesting and a great chance to hear lots of views and experiences.”

In the afternoon visit to Mains of Fincastle, Andrew Barbour will demonstrate how trees are providing multiple benefits to the farm. This is through providing much needed shelter and shade, increasing productivity, reducing costs, boosting biodiversity and providing an income stream, whilst capturing carbon.

Scottish Forestry staff will also be present to answer any questions on funding available to help farmers and what the first steps to woodland creation should be.

Lyn White is Scottish Forestry’s forestry and farming development officer, she added:

“The Integrating Trees Network events are a great way for farmers and land managers to see how others have successfully grown trees to boost their business and the environment.

“This event will provide a great opportunity to hear from the experts, join in discussions and see first-hand how others are growing trees to boost their business.”